Safety has to be handled with care. Alerts, protection and privacy all add to a safe work environment.

As an employer, you’re responsible for any safety issues in the work environment. We know you take this serious, thus so do we.
Prevent anyone from stealing your valuable assets. Avoid unnecessary costs by having to repurchase stuff.
Protecting your worker’s privacy and safety, makes then feel safer in their work environment.
Protect what is valuable for you. Configure when you want to get informed by text message or e-mail.
Protect what is valuable for you. Configure when you want to get informed by text message or e-mail.
There is no margin for safety. For different applications in your organisation, we provide adequate solutions.
Respecting the privacy of your employees is important. It increases the acceptance for the people that use their vehicles also privately.
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Suivo’s smart solutions help you to tag, track and connect your fleet, machines, tools, materials and people. This enables you to centralize your data, optimize your workflows and streamline your decisions.