We’ve put together a glossary of a bunch of terms and definitions related to IoT like LTE-M, BLE, Edge Computing and more!
This IoT bible is super handy to have at your fingertips if you want to keep up with the terminology. That’s actually indispensable anyway when you wade into the IoT jungle.
Here’s a foretaste: we’ll start at the beginning… the A. 🙂
The complete IoT Glossary – one to treasure – can be downloaded below. Have fun learning!
An instrument for measuring the acceleration of a moving or vibrating body.
Access Point
A device that allows wireless-equipped computers and other devices to communicate with a wired network.
Active Tag
An active tag is a small type of hardware that broadcasts its own signal and therefore has a power source. The communication will usually be BLE, LR networks or active RFID.
An asset is an object that is useful or valuable. The object can be owned by a person, a company, or an organization and used in numerous ways (to achieve, create, produce, facilitate, contain, transport, carry, etc.). People, companies, organizations and governments own trillions of assets worldwide.
Asset Management
Asset Management refers to a systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets in the most cost-effective manner (including all costs, risks and performance attributes), over their whole life cycles. It may apply both to tangible assets (physical objects such as vehicles or equipment) and to intangible assets (such as human capital, intellectual property, goodwill or financial assets).
Autonomous Trackers
An autonomous tracker is a hardware device that sends out its own location data without needing an external power source or other devices nearby in order to function. They usually work on networks like LoRa, SigFox, 2G and 4G to send their data and a GPS technology to track their location.