Axel De Soomer

Axel De Soomer

Check in and out at work

Check in and out at work for cleaning companies? Here’s how: 

Check in and out at work—something you, as a cleaning company, have probably heard of. September 1st, 2024, check in and out will become mandatory for NSSO compliance among cleaning companies in Belgium. But what does this mean and how can you turn it into a competitive advantage? In this article, we will explore everything you need to know!

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CEO news

Our CEO reflects on the achievements of 2023 and offers a sneak peek into the exciting plans for 2024.

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Automating your Check-in-at-Work: Low effort, High impact!

Today, we still see a lot of organizations struggle with the hassle associated with the Check-in-at-Work regulation. Very understandable, but mandatory and important to get it right for people in an industry that includes demolition, construction, renovation, finishing, decoration, maintenance, repair and cleaning. All the more so because fines can

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6 Benefits of using the cloud for remote tacho download

More and more vehicles – and other assets for that matter – are capable of generating data. The possibility to collect that data, gives us valuable insights to make complex workflows faster, more efficient, safer and more optimal. Examples that make better use of the capacity of your fleet, are

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time tracking

Time registration: what is it and why automate it?

Time and people are the most valuable resources in the business world, so it is essential to manage it effectively. To do this, companies need time tracking. What is time registration? Time tracking is the process of tracking and recording the hours employees spend on various tasks. This allows companies

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Suivo Scheduling

Launching Suivo Scheduling

Efficient resource planning based on data Suivo measures numerous parameters and thus collects a wealth of data. Measuring is knowing, of course, but ultimately it’s about what you do with it. The data collected tells you something about the capacity of your vehicles, assets and people, and how they use

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Waste Management

What IoT can mean for Waste Management in your city or community?

Managing our waste. It’s definitely a thing. Sustainability is a hotly debated topic and from many angles, people are thinking about how to be smarter and more sustainable. Waste Management – a comprehensive definition that makes sense to me: Waste Management involves the processes of waste collection, transportation, processing, as

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Then innovate! Download the e-booklet to find out how!