Digital Workshops

In order to inspire road construction companies about digital opportunities, the Digi-Barometer team has decided to organise a new series of online workshops!

In 2019, OCW and a number of partners, including Suivo, organised the Digi-Barometer, an online benchmark for road construction companies. The results showed that small and large contractors are ‘on the digital highway’. The Belgian road construction companies are already advanced in terms of internal management, organisation and automation. Other trends are still in the discovery phase, such as BIM and digital asset management.

New series of Digital Workshops

The partners will inspire you in three digital workshops: with practical cases, showing you the strengths of BIM and process automation in all project phases and inform you about high-tech solutions to work efficiently. Questions will be answered live during a round of questions.

  • Tuesday 10 November: “Be inspired by the digital path of Water-link (practical case)”. – Xavier Lallemand(Suivo)
  • Mardi 17 novembre: « La transformation numérique dans la construction routière » – Gert Rombaut (Arkance Systems) et Yves Recloux (Sitech Belgium)

Don’t miss this opportunity to get ahead on the “digital highway”. Register quickly via the links above. Participation is free of charge. Pre-registration is necessary, so we can email you a link the day before.

Cool stuff

Partnership Suivo & Parkd


Stress-Free Parking with Suivo & Parkd: No More Worries About Scan Cars, Parking Attendants, and Fines!

Explore the Suivo & Parkd partnership to outsmart parking scanners and wardens, and avoid parking fees.

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2G and 3G phase out

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Track and Trace construction


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Smarter operations: leveraging track and trace for improved logistics and construction efficiency