2G and 3G are being phased out, which could significantly impact your IoT devices. In this blog you'll discover why this transition is happening and what it means for your devices.
Automating your Check-in-at-Work: Low effort, High impact!
Suivo is offering a cutting-edge digital solution designed specifically for Check-in-At-Work in Belgium. It is likely it makes a significant difference for your organization. Discover more.
6 Benefits of using the cloud for remote tacho download
Here we’re elaborating on remote tacho downloads. As it happens, the European directives make it relevant to any organisation with commercial vehicles of 3.5 tonnes or more. Read more.
Time registration: what is it and why automate it?
Time and people are the most valuable resources in the business world, so it is essential to manage it effectively. To do this, companies need time tracking. Read more.