Axel De Soomer

Axel De Soomer

Workforce Management

The power of data-driven workforce management

WFM? Workforce management (WFM) is generally understood to mean managing, regulating and directing labor and personnel. WFM often includes recruitment, staffing, training, personnel certification, remuneration, performance management, payroll, planning schedules and more. There are a lot of software or tools available to facilitate and/or automate the management of your workforce

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transport and logistics

Matchmakers: pairing your trucks with your trailers

The challenges of the transport and logistics industry The transport and logistics sector is facing a number of major challenges and traditional business models have changed. It is fair to say that the sector is under pressure from high expectations (ever faster delivery times), fierce competition, regulations on personnel and

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FAQ: CANbus, Tacho and (remote) Tacho Download

FAQ about CANbus, Tacho and (remote) Tacho Download

What is CANbus? What is the CANbus used for in vehicles? Which data of the CANbus can be captured? Via the Squarell module with “CANcliQ” and a ‘clamp’ that is connected to the Suivo Extended/Premium tracker we can read out the following data: Small side notes: What is a tachograph?

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Water-link puts maximum effort into safety and sustainable business

Since 2018, water-link has been working with Edegem’s technology company Suivo to map and track all vehicles, machines and tools. The assets are equipped with a tag, a sensor or a tracker that captures data (location, running hours, kilometers, etc.) via intelligent positioning and makes it digitally available in the

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trailer and container tracking

Managing your trailers, containers and all stuff inside!

In response to an article for TransportMedia, we were asked why companies would choose a connectivity solution for their trailers and containers AFTER purchasing or leasing them. After all, there are several trailer manufacturers that build in tracking capabilities during production.  A good question, indeed. However, the answer lies mainly

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What about the processing of personal data and other data?

As a data-oriented company, it is only natural that we bring data privacy and data protection to your attention.
In fact, it happens regularly that (potential) customers ask us questions about this.
Without getting tangled up in dry legalese, let’s outline the basic principles.

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Future-proofing your company?

Then innovate! Download the e-booklet to find out how!