Keeping track of where your employees are or what projects they are working on automatically or digitally has numerous advantages: you avoid administrative hassle, reduce paper consumption, optimize planning, increase security and save time in your workflows, right up to invoicing.
Water-link puts maximum effort into safety and sustainable business
Since 2018, water-link has been working with Edegem's technology company Suivo to map and track all vehicles, machines and tools. The assets are equipped with a tag, a sensor or a tracker that captures data (location, running hours, kilometers, etc.) via intelligent positioning and makes it digitally available in the Suivo IoT Cloud Platform.
Managing your trailers, containers and all stuff inside!
In response to an article for TransportMedia, we were asked why companies would choose a connectivity solution for their trailers and containers AFTER purchasing or leasing them. After all, there are several trailer manufacturers that build in tracking capabilities during production. A good question, indeed. However, the answer lies mainly with the principle of the cobbler and his last.
What about the processing of personal data and other data?
As a data-oriented company, it is only natural that we bring data privacy and data protection to your attention. In fact, it happens regularly that (potential) customers ask us questions about this. Without getting tangled up in dry legalese, let's outline the basic principles.
Eco-scoring of vehicles and drivers in the Suivo platform
Would you like to know how environmentally friendly your fleet is? The eco-score is a handy indicator for comparing vehicles. A number between 0 and 100 makes it possible to measure the ecological character of a vehicle. The higher a vehicle scores, the more environmentally friendly it is.
Go explore: lots of novelties to find in the Suivo IoT platform (and beyond!)
Suivo Product Update - New Release November 2021 | We are introducing an additional tab in our platform: DASHBOARDS and we're launching the ECO-DRIVE APP.
Recover up to 80% of investment in Suivo applications
Companies that make expenditures in the framework of ecological and safe transport of goods by road are eligible for a subsidy from the Flemish government. The support amounts to a maximum of 100 000 € per company.
Bye bye paper timesheets. Hello digital time registration!
Since the new release of the Suivo IoT platform, we added an extra feature: the time registration. The module is available on the platform, but we launched a brand new app for this as well: the Suivo Timesheet app. The app is now available in the stores and useable on Android and iOS devices*.